Friday, August 19, 2011

Always a Project!!!

I've never been too excited by a man in uniform. They don't do a thing for me. Now, a handsome, well-dressed man in a nice suit.... that has always pushed my buttons. Why do you think I fell for Will when he worked for Gov. Gary Johnson? I got to see him in a suit all the time! And much of his career has involved a suit since then. HOWEVER, this sweaty, hard-working husband look is a CLOSE second! Wow... I love my fine-lookin' man!

Oh, let's just take one more look. Nice!

I have the best dad in the world. He was kind enough to drive with me and the kids all the way home to CA so we wouldn't be alone. Anyone who knows Dad knows how protective he is. :) And it saved Will from having to fly back to NM to drive us home himself when he was SO busy with work. On top of all of that, Dad helped Will start to tackle our newest house project: rebuilding the porch railing, which was broken down before we bought the house. It turns out that it wasn't properly stabilized with good wood and bolts, like it should have been. So, these strong men tore out the bad stuff and replaced it with good... now for the railing! I can't wait for it to be done since this awesome porch with oak trees growing through it is one of my favorite parts of this house! Thank you, Dad, for all your help!!!


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