Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Christmas Eve is Where It's At!

My Prince Charming!

The always well-dressed and beautiful couple, Bruce and Cody! My dear brother and the sister I never had.

My ever-loving Mom and Dad! I love you both so much!!!

We all went to the Christmas Eve service at The Barn. Pastor Clark presented a simple, wonderful message. All anyone really needs to hear on Christmas is that Jesus came to save them! He died for my sins and yours... and in receiving Him, we have eternal life!!! I'm forgiven! It never gets old, hearing this truth! What a wonderful Savior we have... and the best Birthday in the world to be celebrating!!! After we got home and dinner was warming on the stove, we all posed for pictures in front of the crackling fire. Have I mentioned how much I love this fireplace? It makes the Christmas spirit burn a little brighter!

Here are a few shots of the tree, still in-tact!

After a comforting dinner of Chicken Chili and cornbread, it was time to break out the Christmas cookies (I made 10 varieties this year! Actually 9, if you discount the "Christmas Poo," but I won't go into that. :))

So, in Schuman tradition (actually Eastman tradition, on my Mom's side... which ultimately takes over, don'tcha think?) we opened presents on Christmas Eve. It is just better. Let me tell you why. There is something magical about the evening... especially when you take your time like we do. Also in Schuman/Eastman tradition, each and every present gets its own turn. That means there is no ripping into things at once. Each person has one gift at a time, and everyone else is the audience to that opening. Everyone "oohs" and "ahhs," and it's wonderful. So, after Christmas Eve dinner is cleaned up, extra glasses of wine are served - or champagne - along with Christmas cookies, and everybody enjoys the sparkly lights and long hours together, without even a thought about getting Christmas Day dinner prepared. It's just perfect. Enough said! Anyways, here are a few random pics of the kids.... I actually hardly took any this year. I was having too much fun.

The ONE and ONLY thing Sullivan asked for this year was her own Bible. Not the toddler kind with big pictures. She wanted a REAL one. She was so happy with it... still is. She "reads" it every day. It is embossed with a horse head on the pleather exterior. (It is a horse-lover's edition!) Her whole name is engraved in the cover, and it is the most precious Bible you have ever seen. I need a close-up of it.

We all chuckled at how Levi has to try gifts on immediately. Here he is, hiding behind the couch, trying on a new western shirt from Non and Pops.

Titus got a practice drum set... you know, before we buy the real thing. That is definitely a purchase one should be sure about.

This may be the most popular Christmas present of all. We ALL love to play this game!!! But, technically, it belongs to Zane.

And not only did the kids get new boots from Nonnie and Popsie, but they all got new jackets as well! (I forgot to get a pic of Sulli in her fabulous animal print!) Thank you, N and P!!!

But my favorite part of our time around the tree was listening to Zane play worship songs and everyone singing along. Bruce's solo wasn't bad either. You want to remember moments like these forever.

We encouraged the kids to save a present for Christmas morning too (which greatly pleased the Christmas Morning Crowd). Birdie was especially happy since he slept through the festivities the night before. Of course, the kids opened their stockings in the morning too. Don't get too worried, people. Next Christmas, since it is a Powell year, we will be opening only one on Christmas Eve and the rest in the a.m.! And I will just have to deal with it. ;)


Anonymous Nonnie said...

It was a magical evening in every way. How blessed we are to have such memorable times together. Thank you God for your grace to us all.

January 25, 2012 at 3:20 PM  
Blogger Prins said...

I have loved your blog for years, but am very saddened to read just how incredibly wrong and misled you could be about when to open presents. The REAL special time (a.k.a. when Jesus shows up) is Christmas morning. While waiting for everyone else to wake up, you get to open your stocking presents and enjoy them. Then everyone wakes, gathers around the tree and (here you heard God right) each present is opened one at a time to oohs and ahhhs, all while in the comfort of your pj's and joy of anticipation. Once everything is opened and the wrapping paper cleaned up, it's time for the Christmas morning brunch before heading off to play with new toys or even to take a blissful nap. I will be praying for you to see the error of your ways. ;)

January 26, 2012 at 12:13 PM  
Blogger Marney said...

Ok, I am laughing out loud. But hear this, friend, you have been deceived. If we did it your way, Christmas morning brunch wouldn't be until 4:00, and dinner would be nonexistent. As the head cook of this household, that is completely unacceptable. Plus, it's fun to have a glass of wine while you enjoy presents, and you'd be a lush if you did that in the morning. So there! ;)

January 26, 2012 at 1:13 PM  
Anonymous Nonnie said...

Okay Prins...listen up...I say AMEN to Marney's comment. So there again!!!

January 28, 2012 at 11:14 AM  
Blogger Prins said...

Love you Nonnie! ;-)

January 30, 2012 at 12:30 PM  

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